What is the real value of reading?

What is the real value of reading?

16 Oct 2023
Chad Jones
2:55 m read
What is the real value of reading?

We all know that reading is important. It’s one of the three R’s, after all. But what is the real value of reading? Is it simply to learn to read and write, or is there more to it than that?

As it turns out, there is a lot more to it than that. Studies have shown that reading has many benefits, both cognitive and emotional. Reading improves your memory, increases focus and concentration, and even reduces stress levels. And that’s just the beginning. Here are some of the surprising benefits of reading.

  1. Reading can improve your memory
  2. Reading can help you sleep better
  3. Reading can relieve stress

1. Reading can improve your memory

One study found that people who read regularly had better memories than those who didn’t. The act of reading helps to exercise your brain, which in turn improves your memory. This is especially beneficial as you age and begin to lose some of your cognitive abilities.

2. Reading can help you sleep better

If you’re having trouble sleeping, reading may be the answer. A study published in the journal Science found that people who read before bed fell asleep faster and slept more soundly than those who didn’t read before bed. So if you're looking for a way to get a better night’s sleep, ditch the TV and pick up a book instead.

3. Reading can relieve stress

Reading has been shown to be a great way to relieve stress levels. In one study, participants who read for six minutes had lower levels of stress hormones than those who didn’t read at all. So if you’re feeling stressed out, grab a book and relax for a few minutes—it’ll do you good!

As you can see, there are many benefits to reading beyond simply learning to read and write. If you’re looking for ways to improve your memory, sleep better, or relieve stress, pick up a book—you might be surprised at how much it helps! The trick is to read something challenging.

Here at WholeReader.com, our team is trying to re-invent reading with the use of aligned audio narration. When the ear is helping the eye, very difficult books suddenly come within reach.

If you are looking for an easy and fun way to improve your reading, try WholeReader today! Our audio-aligned books make it easy and enjoyable to read even the most challenging texts. Give us a try, and see how much your reading improves!